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Firmagon degarelix. Think beyond the prostate Icon Icon Icon Icon

DEGARELIX FERRING treating beyond the prostate

Learn more about how Degarelix Ferring can help benefit patients with CVD risk1-6
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CVD is the leading cause of death in prostate cancer patients, after prostate cancer itself7,8

Up to 30% of prostate cancer patients are likely to be at high risk of a CV event2

LHRH agonists are associated with a significantly increased risk of CV events vs. no treatment9

Compared with no treatment, LHRH agonists (including leuprorelin and goserelin) increase the risk of 9

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(HR: 1.44, 95% CI: 1.34–1.55, p<0.001)

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Coronary heart disease
(HR: 1.16, 95% CI: 1.10–1.21, p<0.001)

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Myocardial infarction
(HR: 1.11, 95% CI: 1.01–1.21, p=0.03)

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Sudden cardiac death
(HR: 1.16, 95% CI: 1.05–1.27, p=0.004)

DEGARELIX FERRING significantly lowers the risk of CV events vs. LHRH agonists1-6

In a retrospective pooled analysis from six Phase III, prospective, RCTS of prostate cancer patients (N=2,328)
what do you think the number needed to treat is for DEGARELIX FERRING?

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And in a real-world study in the UK, what do you think the number needed to treat is for DEGARELIX FERRING?

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UK Primary Care database of patients with prostate cancer (population-based cohort study)1

(n=9,081, aged ≥40 years)

More patients prescribed DEGARELIX FERRING had pre-existing CVD at baseline vs. patients on LHRH agonists*

6.9% estimated relative risk of CV event with DEGARELIX FERRING vs.17.7% with LHRH agonists>

(RR 0.39) (95% CI 0.191-0.799, p=0.01)

* LHRH agonists refers to pooled data of patients receiving leuprorelin, goserelin and triptorelin.
‍† Calculated by Ferring using relative and absolute risk reduction.