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DEGARELIX FERRING is an ADT in a Different Class1

DEGARELIX FERRING is a GnRH antagonist, but how does this differ from an agonist?
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LHRH agonists overstimulate GnRH receptors, initially inducing an increase of LH, FSH and testosterone (which can lead to clinical flare) before causing suppression…

LHRH Agonist

…whereas GnRH antagonists like DEGARELIX FERRING block GnRH receptors leading to immediate and profound suppression of LH, FSH and testosterone, and so achieve rapid symptom relief.

GnRH Antagonist Firmagon®

DEGARELIX FERRING is associated with fewer systemic adverse events vs. LHRH agonists4,5

Adapted from Klotz L, et al. 20143

  • The most common adverse reactions for DEGARELIX FERRING were those related to testosterone suppression, or injection site reactions (ISRs)4,5
  • ISRs were mostly transient, of mild to moderate intensity and led to very few discontinuations (<1%)5
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Injection site reactions (ISRs) occurred mainly with the starting dose; but incidence dropped from 33% to 4% with maintenance injections5

Consult the SmPCs for full safety information2,3

*p<0.05. Treatment-emergent AEs occurring over 1 year with DEGARELIX FERRING and LHRH agonists (>5% in any treatment group; pooled analysis of five prospective, randomised Phase III trials).
†LHRH agonists include goserelin and leuprorelin.