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Firmagon degarelix. Think beyond the prostate Icon Icon Icon Icon


Helpful resources for both you and your prostate cancer patients.
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Here you can view and download resources designed for healthcare professionals.


Why is it important to manage your high-risk CV patients?


Learn more about DEGARELIX FERRING and the MOA by downloading this leaflet.

Dosing and Administration Poster

A quick reference poster with an easy-to-use guide to dosing and administering DEGARELIX FERRING to your patients, starting with their initial treatment through to subsequent maintenance doses.

Dosing and administration video

An educational video featuring Paula Allchorne, Urology Lead Nurse at Bart’s Health Hospital in London and Sacha Ali, Uro-oncology Nurse Specialist at Homerton University Hospital. Degarelix Ferring is a deep subcutaneous injection administered to the abdominal region. It should be administered at a slow and steady pace over 30 seconds.

Injection sites should be varied and not be in areas where the patient will be exposed to pressure e.g. not close to waistband/ belt. Treatment should be continued after initiation and it should only be administered by a healthcare professional.

The injection site should be kept clean and patients should avoid rubbing the area. If your patient experiences a reaction at the injection site, it can be managed with paracetamol or ibuprofen or cooling methods e.g. ice packs. Please watch this video for more information and guidance.

Reconstitution and administration video

Reconstitution and Administration Video Including Top Tips by Leanne McCourt

Learn how to best administer a Degarelix Ferring injection by watching our instructional video with Leanne McCourt Macmillan Urology Nurse Specialist. This quick demonstration illustrates the precise technique for administering a deep subcutaneous injection into the abdomen.Watch the video now for a comprehensive understanding of the dosing and administration process.

Summary of Top Tips from Leanne

1. Do not reconstitute until ready to administer
2. Swirl don’t shake during reconstitution
3. Administer Firmagon immediately after reconstitution
4. Don’t prime your needle
5. Give via a deep subcutaneous injection
6. Pinch the abdominal skin and vary your site
7. Avoid sites exposed to friction
8. Use a 45 to 95 degree angle to insert the needle
9. Slowly administer over 30 seconds
10. Following administration hold the needle in place for a further 30 seconds and remove slowly
11. Give the patient self care advice i.e. not to rub or scratch the area and use a cold compress

Mode of Action Video

Watch this video to learn more about Degarelix Ferring’s Mode of Action and the differences between GnRH antagonists and GnRH agonists.

DEGARELIX FERRING resources for your patients

Here you can view and download resources designed to aid your patients.

Patient Diary

A simple guide for prostate cancer patients to help them keep a record of their treatment plan and PSA levels.

Patient Information Booklet

This booklet is for patient and provides useful information about DEGARELIX FERRING as well as more general advice about prostate cancer and how to access further support.